instantaneous access and searching a new music in the world are really high .
The 12 billion USD global market for digital music requires a new solution for
music . Everybody using the music all everything for your life to emotion cause
the problems people need to music to control yourselves .
Whereas ,
The creative a person of music is unlimite but more people copies it and innovation
it . That is a reason , Imusify is fouder to solve that problems for them on
the online now.
1. What is Imusify project ?
Imusify is
project for music on the online and they having nice solution for people
transaction with them now .However ,they application blockchain technology and
AI technology . The imusify is proporses a solution for people were applied
music for business , streaming , social network ,…. They created a ecosystem in which between the
artists and a person need to using a music for intented .
remarkable of this project is combination between with Spotify and soundcloud .
of Imusify , that is the best services with a decentralized marketplace and
social network and many people participated on your systems .
2. The value of Imusify project ?
12 billion USD for music every year , that is a big marketplace for music . It
is really suprising for this marketplace now . The imusify is know that and
join with a good solution for people and make it different . Before that ,
Imusify is combinative with Spotify and iTunes to pushed in your market and
created digital downloads market.
Whereas, The
decentralized music is make versus the competition were accidented with Imusify
when they confront them .
The Smart music economy ?
Imusify is building a platform to implement for
everyone to participated into its and innovation the new mean of interaction
about services the music economy as fast as in the future.
In the future , with music smart economy is the
trend . Imusify to holding it and give value to on your platform , network and
utility token.
Imusify created platform for people , that is
the website and mobile app that allows
people participated connection and share experiences with people were applied
on ecosystem.
Phases of imusify ?
Phase I : Private sale
200 million IMU tokens and 40% discount or special for
people investment .
Phase II : Public Pre-sale
100 million IMU tokens and 30% discount. You
can register to participate in the Imusify token sale at : www.tokensale.imusify.com.
Phase III : public sale
350 million IMU tokens and various discounts ,
outlined below.
I think the price of tokens are affordable for
people were found a problem potential in this year . I think this project will
increase , that is a reason you must to investment and share this project with
your friends and family now.
3. Road map , Team working , Team working and Partners of Imusify ?
Imusify having nice road map and it is really long-term
vision you can see this outline below
Otherside , they having team working and they will support for people when they are joining this project now.