
eLYQD is project for vaping industry

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Tuesday, December 25, 2018

eLYQD is project for vaping industry

More people don’t know what is vaping products . They don’t know how to use Vaping , that is a reason eLYQD will help people about that . Whereas , they have nice project and ICO

  1. 1. What is eLYQD ?

  • It is a ecentralized ethereum based ecosystem marketplace with vaping industry . Homever , they will increase your project in the future . They improving project with blockchain technology and AI for people trading on your webiste .

2. About Solution of eLYQD ?


  • More people don’t have ranking on marketplace . That is a reason they decrease with online but eLYQD will help you about , they will help you about access to your brand over 24 hours aday . That is really convenient for people need to trust.
  • eLYQD using your token for people trading . When you need to trading on this website you must to buy this token . eLYQD will allow users to send and receive payment with blockchain technology
  • They will payment easy with your project . eLYQD using blockchain technolo so you have decentralized anonymized and hacker don’t hack to your data.
  • eLYQD have a big systems and they using smart contracts will security your data
  • The best remarkable for this project that isrequires proof of orders . That is really convenient for people need to proof . When you exchange any platform you need to history , that is a reason eLYQD help you about . You don’t loss of money with them so eLYQD will record all transactions on your webiste and you will increase your product on this webiste.

3. Vision of eLYQD?


  • They want to increase your project on marketpalce . Homever , They want to creat a big platform on the internet . Fortunately , they have nice ecosytems and they want to your products will increase in the world and more people using vaping .
  • They using blockchain technology and AI so they will develop your blockchain and using peer — to — peer for people trading on your project.


They have nice road map on this website :
  • 2018 : They have idea and they increasing about that and improving this idea on vaping industry
  • Q3 — Q4 2018 : They fuding for developed and go marketplace . Whereas , they having token with people trading on this webiste.
  • Q1–2019 : They will develop an alpha version . Fortunately , they want to connect HTTPS and stmart contracts on blockchain technology.
  • Q2–2019 : They will creat blockchain caching system . Fortunately , they will increase 20 languages to people trading easy.
  • Q3–2019 : they will improve escrow app and created App on CH Play and IOS . that is really well for people need to transaction on this webiste.
  • Q4–2019 : They will create live destop app then become the best industry in this year.

5. Token distributed :

  • They providing token for people participation on this project . Homever , you can buy this token now with affordable price on your webiste .
6. Team working and advisors .

Team working

  • They have talent team working and advisors . They have more experience on the internet and they will support together then this project will increase in the future .
  • Fortunately , they have counterparty on this project and they will support permanent .
  • In my opinion , this project really convenient for people so don’t’ have people about this marketplace . Although , industry really diffcult but I believe this project will increase in the future and they decrease .Approximately , they improving vaping in this year.
official telegram channel :
Bitcointalk :;u=2287645;
Medium  :
MEW : 0x83d97D8EDAEa71d47FEe94bBfCe1F224631188d9

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Gigzi is project for financial systems

Don’t have  financial system and stability & security and wealth protection on the internet now. But Gigzi will help you about that . That is a systems for people want to transaction on marketplace . You know , to increase of coin more people want to transaction on the internet . Homever , they openning company but they don’t know market of this . That is a reason Gigzi will help you about that.

1. What is Gigzi project ?

  • Gigzi is a big systems on the online . Whereas , they using blockchain technology to developed this project , fortunately , they will delivers about Stability , security , wealth protection for people participation this project.

2. Solution of Gigzi?

Three challenges of Gigzi :

  • The first - Hyper-volatility of cryptocurrency : Volatility of marketplace . More coin will increase & decrease , that is the first Gigzi help you
  • The second - Account vulnerability : You know if you have a account with blockchain technology you will save your private on your computer or folder if you loss of it you will lost your assets. Don’t worry Gigzi will help you about that .
  • Finally - The uncertainty and instability of wealth invested in cryptocurrency : More people don’t have knowlegde of crypto then they will invest anothers project but they don’t know what is ligit  or sacm campaign ? That is a reason why people loss of money? – Gigzi will help you about because it have high ranking on marketplace . Homever , they have great  team working and partner.

3. How is ecosystem of Gigzi ?

  • They using blockchain technology but the platform underlying of Gigzi is Ethereum . When people transaction of this they will connect with smart contracts . That is a reason Gigzi will help you
  • Whereas , they have a token , your token will activity into ecosytems then people increase this token . IF token increase your project will increase and you will using Gigzi so it ligit.
  • Gigzi Applications : They supporting with wallet , exchange and a treasury.

4. Product of Gigzi :

  • The first – Blockchain technology  : That is really necessary with project if they don’t using blockchain your project really bad so they will spend many money with adverstiment and double spending
  • The second – Smart contract : Well .that is open source . More people don’t know smart contract that is reason they loss of money .Gigzi using smart contracts crypto-assets on the Ethereum platform.
  • Finally - Biometric Security : That is really important because when you using this project . You need to biometric with your phone or laptop . The high security will protects your account.

5. Road map of Gigzi :

  • Your road map really potential . Your road map improving year by year and long- term vision .
  • In my opinion , Gigzi is the best project so convenient , security , ….. That is welll . Whereas , they have great team working & partners and high ranking on marketplace . IF you have a problem about financial systems you must to use Gigzi.

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ANN Thread | Website | Whitepaper

 BitcoinTalk username :;u=2287645;
Ethereum Address  : 0x83d97D8EDAEa71d47FEe94bBfCe1F224631188d9

Saturday, December 1, 2018

simple getting the job done with Mycrojobs

1. What is mycro?

  • Mycro is project for a new job . They have many job on your webiste and people visiting this webiste then they will find a job for themselves .
  • Do you want find a good job for you and make money with job?
  • Mycro will help you that.

2. How to use the Mycro ?

  • Mycro have a token you can buy this token on this website . It really affordable price for you.
  • You buy this token and using for webiste to transaction.
  • Mycro is job shopping . They have a more job :
  • The first : the buy token ( token to using this website )
  • The second : You find a good job for you.
  • Whereas , they have a big platform for you , you have to recommendation a job and talk to this platform , it will support you you.

3. Benefit of Mycro?

  • They using blockchain technology and AI for you . It really convenient so when you transaction on this website , sometimes it will process but Mycro is not because it using blockchain technology.
  • You can invest with project so it is really potenital .

Why can i invest

  • Team working and advisors  : they have more experience in the internet . They will suppport together and this project will increse in the future.
  • Road map : Really potential you can see this road map . it is long – term vision and improving year by year.
  • Partners : There are 10 partners on this project . That is a good information for investors and people on platform.

4. In my opinion : 

This project will success in the future . The fourth industry machine now , a new idea and crazy idea are make it different . Mycro is a new ideal , don’t have ideal about job and connecting people together . Mycro have been making it .

My Bitcointalk Profile:;u=2287645;
My Bitcointalk name: buihieucr22
ETH Address: 0x83d97D8EDAEa71d47FEe94bBfCe1F224631188d9

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Tranding to easy with Lurce

1.What is Lurce Token ?

Lurce Token is tranding on marketplace , it is an exclusive automated tranding systems .
When you tranding on marketplace you need to the ligit marketplace . But you don’t know where is ligit marketplace .
In my opinion you should choose Lurce because It using algorithmic trading and algorithmic of Lurce really well.

2.How to use Lurce ?

Lurce is tranding platform so you need to register on this website . And you use it . If you don’t have experience for tranding you need to talk support?
Lurce using algorithmic for tranding when you need tranding . Algorithmic of Lure will smart contract automatically sends the LCR Tokens to the sender’s wallet . That is convenient for Lurce.

3.Road map of Lurce?

It really long- term vision . It helping you about Lurce , it really convenient for you.
With Road map of Lurce really flagrant and step by step to year by year.
Aug 2010
Sep 2011
Jan 2014
Nov 2017
APR 2018
May –Jun 2018
Homever , Lurce increase really fast . In my opinion this is the best tranding on the marketplace in the future.

4.Token sale of Lurce.

Token of Lurce really cheap , you can buy this  because token of Lurce was saled . I think you should buy this so this price really affordable .
You token sale end . You can buy token with price affordable.
You can click here to buy token :

5.Team working

All out of project to team working . Lurce have a good team , they have experience on the internet and they will support togethers .
Im my opinion .
This project really potential , you can go to this website and using this.
This is ligit project with 8 years improving .

Webiste :
Bitcointalk :;u=2287645;

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Noizchain Tranding : Review

1.What is noizchain?

Noiz is a big systems on the internet . It using the big platform and blockchain technology
Noiz will help you a problem for customers .
With big systems of noiz and platform of noiz . It will help you about customers.
Noiz will connect to customers .

2.Noizchain is combination

Noiz is the combination of two AL + Blockchain.
Noiz using AL technology : with strong of AL , Bravo will cognitive ad and filters out spam clicks . Otherside , Bravo will connect to customers with interactions organized . Actually , security of Bravo really well.
Noiz using blockchain technology : blockchain is a big systems in the internet . Blockchain is a big wallet . Bravo using blockchain will long term vision in the future .Money exchange into the wallet but it don’t have a internet . Bravo using blockchain help customers about problem wallet on the internet.
Noiz is advertiment with banner on website. Customers will chat with noiz , noiz know what do customers need ? Then Noiz will find anything else for customers.

For example:

You have a hotel you want to rent that but you don’t find customers for rent. You don’t know How does price another hotel ?
You can connect with noiz , it will help you for that.
In my opinion you don’t convence customers for rent or you don’t remarkable for customers Noiz make it for that.
Noiz is the best connect to P2P .

3.Partner of Noizchain

Noizchain have a many partner on the internet.
For example:Hotmod,NDN Group,MLG,Onchain,Latoken,Dragon social,Alpha Blockchain,CapchainX,Nem,Reprise,Kyt,LDJ Capital,Cynopsis
àthat is all out of partnet of Noiz
What is benefit of partnet
àSupport for get together
àImprove the project
à built a big systems
à Remarkable for customers
à Convence customers
Team working of Noiz

This is really convenient .
Fortunately , Noiz have a good road map .
With long-term vision year by year . Noiz will increase in the future
Team working  and advisors
 Noiz has 12 main team working.
Andy Ann : He has 17 years experience of digital media
Kelvin Cheung : he has 20 years experience in system design and software
Nigel Hughes : He has 33 years experience of software developed.
You can see on website  :
With nice team work and great advisors.
In my opinion this project will increase in future .
Token of noiz will share for everyone.
You can buy this token on your website .
Token of noiz will take on your wallet.
When you travel around the world you can tip for person you like.
You should get your face you can get money for that ( tip ).
When you tip for a person , everyone think you really kind , friendly and polite.
In my opinion of noiz .
Noiz is the best campaign in this years. I think you can join this campaign.
You need a phone and  and download app to bravo then using it.
Bravo is the best tip for person on the phone.

  • Token Sale Start and End Dates: 15 Jul 2018 - 15 Aug 2018

review ICO : Bravo Tranding

1.What is bravo?

Bravo is a systems on the internet . it using the blockchain technology .
You will use the phone and see a person you want click to bravo , You can donate for person.
Bravo has a solution developed on the internet . It really fast you need a phone and download bravo app .
This is solution on the tip.

For example:

You have been lived in Paris but you want to give money to your friend . You will use the internet banking but that really older.
You can use Bravo because Bravo really convenient on the internet.
You exchange money with your friend but you can exchange your money for receptionist .
You shoud convence your friends use Bravo app because you can make money on there.

2.Token of bravo

Bravo using the blockchain technology so it have  a token .
Token of bravo is cheap price.
With price 1BVO = 0.1 USD
You can buy this token and hold token on your wallet.
Then you using token to donate or waitting token up price .
In my opion you should buy token and holding token.
Because this token really convenient in the future .
Do you see Bravo on the Shark Tank
That is true , Bravo was on the TV show. You can see season 9 , episode 9 , 914.
Bravo is the best campaign on the year
If Bravo have a good partner . I think this campaign will be increase in the future

3.Team work of Bravo

Bravo have a nice team working with a good experience on the internet.
Co – Founder & CEO :  Maria Del Carmen Lina , Mba
She is boss in Bravo team.
I think this campaign is potential in the future.
In mu opinion you must believe this campaign will be increase in the future.
Have ever campaign not scam on the internet?
Team working and good partner will support togethers and improving this project in the future.
Website :

Your BitcoinTalk profile link:;u=2287645;

Saturday, October 27, 2018

review ICO of cryptonity

1. What is cryptonity?

Cryptonity is a big systems on the interner . whereas , it ‘s a big platform and webiste .
Cryptonity is the combination really  the strongest and meaningful of two words : crypto and communicity .
When you reading its , you will feel friendly and awesome!
Cryptonity is the best campaign this year . In my opinion you should buy token of cryptonity.

2. How does cryptonity active?

Cryptonity is the best campaign  and have a nice partner with team . Cryptonity haves it . It will many investor for cryptonity
If have investor this campaign will be increase in the future.
Cryptonity will increase your project and created big flatform on the interner . Thet will use a big platfor for investment and increase blockchain technology.
They will provide for users with the most ergonomic.
About Security ?
They will create a big platform and the most secure trading for that . The people woking on the security in the marketplace

3. Token sale

Token sale is a token will buy cheap price .
In this ICO , it token will increase in the future so token before that , it buy token with cheap price to a person buy token and holding token on wallet , sometimes , another people think it won’t believe . But that is true , you can buy token of cryptonity and holding token on your wallet then waitting token increase and buy this with good price in the future.
Now you can buy this token with price : 0.23$

4. Road map

Cryptonity have a good roadmap with a long - term vision.
In this year 2018 , cryptonity have  a good ambition on cryptocurrency.
You can see on this

5. Partner

More of people don’t believe cryptonity because it’s a  new crypto but that true, because it have been good partner on the interner.

For example :

ICObench , LATOKEN , Icobazaar ,…..
è You know this a nice partner . If a campaign have a nice campaign , it will be increase in the future.
è Partner says with cryptonity “ How does cryptonity increase in the future”
è They will support together.
è They will learn about all out of somethings about cryptonity

6. Team

Cryptonity have a nice team and good experience .
CO – Founder & CEO : Jeawoo SEE : he is korean and more experience in the interner . He was marketered at Samsung electronics  . He travelled around the world and learn knowledge about blockchain.
CO – Founder & SEO : Mourad Redjah : he is a interest in the new techonologies , developer for five years , cryptocrurrencys.
CO – Founder & COO : Van Billy Nguyen : he is a best of crytonity on this team.

7. In my opinion.

I’m a bounty hunter , you know I have a experience about cryto. In my opinion I feel this bounty will be increase in the future .
You should buy this token and holding your wallet then waitting this token increase . I think you should hold 2 years because you this token now you will a cheap price .
Click here :