More people don’t know what is vaping products . They don’t know how to use Vaping , that is a reason eLYQD will help people about that . Whereas , they have nice project and ICO
- 1. What is eLYQD ?
- It is a ecentralized ethereum based ecosystem marketplace with vaping industry . Homever , they will increase your project in the future . They improving project with blockchain technology and AI for people trading on your webiste .
2. About Solution of eLYQD ?
- More people don’t have ranking on marketplace . That is a reason they decrease with online but eLYQD will help you about , they will help you about access to your brand over 24 hours aday . That is really convenient for people need to trust.
- eLYQD using your token for people trading . When you need to trading on this website you must to buy this token . eLYQD will allow users to send and receive payment with blockchain technology
- They will payment easy with your project . eLYQD using blockchain technolo so you have decentralized anonymized and hacker don’t hack to your data.
- eLYQD have a big systems and they using smart contracts will security your data
- The best remarkable for this project that isrequires proof of orders . That is really convenient for people need to proof . When you exchange any platform you need to history , that is a reason eLYQD help you about . You don’t loss of money with them so eLYQD will record all transactions on your webiste and you will increase your product on this webiste.
3. Vision of eLYQD?
- They want to increase your project on marketpalce . Homever , They want to creat a big platform on the internet . Fortunately , they have nice ecosytems and they want to your products will increase in the world and more people using vaping .
- They using blockchain technology and AI so they will develop your blockchain and using peer — to — peer for people trading on your project.
They have nice road map on this website :
- 2018 : They have idea and they increasing about that and improving this idea on vaping industry
- Q3 — Q4 2018 : They fuding for developed and go marketplace . Whereas , they having token with people trading on this webiste.
- Q1–2019 : They will develop an alpha version . Fortunately , they want to connect HTTPS and stmart contracts on blockchain technology.
- Q2–2019 : They will creat blockchain caching system . Fortunately , they will increase 20 languages to people trading easy.
- Q3–2019 : they will improve escrow app and created App on CH Play and IOS . that is really well for people need to transaction on this webiste.
- Q4–2019 : They will create live destop app then become the best industry in this year.
5. Token distributed :
- They providing token for people participation on this project . Homever , you can buy this token now with affordable price on your webiste .
6. Team working and advisors .
- They have talent team working and advisors . They have more experience on the internet and they will support together then this project will increase in the future .
- Fortunately , they have counterparty on this project and they will support permanent .
- In my opinion , this project really convenient for people so don’t’ have people about this marketplace . Although , industry really diffcult but I believe this project will increase in the future and they decrease .Approximately , they improving vaping in this year.
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MEW : 0x83d97D8EDAEa71d47FEe94bBfCe1F224631188d9